Our Relationship with Our Parents

The Following is an outline of the sermon along with questions for study, reflection, and conversation for community group gatherings. 

While on the cross, [Jesus] commits his mother to the disciple, teaching us to show every care for our parents even to our last breath.

What image comes to mind when you think of parenthood? Does it line up with a view that honors or tears down?

1. Parental Authority is God Given


  • What are some of the blessings children receive when they honor and obey their parents?
  • What are the blessings we receive as adults who honor our parents?
  • Why are we prone to disrespect authority as children and teenagers?
  • What are some examples of a respectful posture toward authority?
  • How does your relationship with your parents impact how you view God?
  • How can we show respect to parents who do not deserve respect?
  • How have the roles of father and mother changed in pop culture over the years? Do you see the trajectory as positive or negative? Why?

2. Honor Your Parents & Be An Honorable Parent

PROVERBS 23:22-25

  • What practical ways can we show respect to our parents in their old age?
  • How does the gospel impact the way we care for our parents? How does the gospel impact the way we parent our children?

A. Teach them the way of the Lord.


B. Discipline them in love.

PROVERBS 3:12-13

C. Provide for them.

MATTHEW 7:9-11

  • How does our experience of forgiveness free us from living in regret and empower us to fulfill our responsibilities as parents and/or children?

3. Honor Parents as Christ Honored His

JOHN 19:25-27

  • What do we learn from Christ’s love for His parents?
  • Why is it important to see in this story that Jesus is an example of love and also the Savior who forgives our failure to love?
  • What are some of your regrets in how you have treated your parents?
  • What about your children? How does the gospel apply to those regrets?
  • How does a Christian understanding of authority differ from that of the world?

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