What Kind of Church is This?

A non-denominational Christian Church


Utah Valley Church is simply a non-denominational Christian church.  We love Jesus and know that he loves us.  We follow the Bible as our only source of scripture.  You can find out more about our doctrine and beliefs.


We like to keep things authentic; genuine with God and real with each other.  There’s no need to try to impress each other or hide behind a facade.  Everyone is in a different place along their spiritual journey, so we accept each other for who we are. We also encourage each other to become the people He designed us to be. Read more on the What To Expect page.


We grow best as disciples of Jesus when we have authentic relationships with others who are following Him.  When times are tough, we need grace and we need each other.  In times of happiness, we need each other too.  Come joy or sorrow, life was meant to be shared together.


A disciple of Jesus is someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and committed to the mission of Jesus. Since an important role of a Christian church is disciple-making, we are very intentional in helping others become disciples who make disciples.


From home Bible teaching to starting new congregations, we like to keep things simple enough to be reproducible.  We are here to multiply disciples and multiply congregations, so reproducibility is part of who we are.


Jesus came to seek and save the lost, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, to recover sight to the blind, and to set the oppressed free. His mission is our mission, locally and globally. That’s what kind of church this is.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to see gospel-centered, disciple-making communities in every neighborhood in Utah Valley, the State of Utah, and every nation.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to multiply disciples through authentic relationships.